Saturday, November 18, 2006

November Pilgrimage, NYC: Sunday, November 19 at 11:15 AM

"Please continue to pray that Our Lady Of the "Dawn Gate" remains open to serve all who need her shelter.........including her Beloved Son!"

This is how Pat of Annunciation "Zinios" fame prefaced her e-vite to our celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Vilnius on Broome Street. We welcome you to join us this Sunday in prayer and festivity.

You are cordially invited
to participate in the feast day celebration of
Our Lady of Vilnius
Sunday, November 19th, 11:15 AM

Our Lady of Vilnius Lithuanian RC Church

Bring your rosaries, holy pictures of Our Lady of Vilnius, Lithuanian flags. After the celebration, a concert and refreshments will follow in the church hall.

Jūs esate maloniai kviečiami dalyvauti
Aušros Vartų atlaiduose
Sekmadienį, lapkričio 19 d., 11.15 v.r.

Niujorko Aušros Vartų bažnyčioje

Atsineškite savo rožančius, Aušros Vartų Marijos paveikslus, vėliavas
Po atlaidų, vyks koncertas ir pietūs parapijos salėje

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