Saturday, January 19, 2008

Where there's a will, there's a way...

" WRAPAROUND CONSTRUCTION A rendering of 160 East 22nd Street shows how the developer of a 21-story condo will adapt to longtime residents who refuse to go away. "

The photo and caption above appear in an article in tomorrow's "New York Times" Real Estate section titled They Didn’t Use a Shoehorn by J.C. Hughes. Apparently, development can occur without total decimation of charm and history. The rendering above illustrates what the synergy of creative architects and tenacious preservationists can create.

Interesting quotes:

"Not all holdouts need to be skirted; some can actually be incorporated. That’s the approach being taken by the 21-story 145-room Cooper Square Hotel at East Fifth Street. A four-story brick tenement adjacent to the hotel — unlike three other buildings on the lot — is not being razed, because its tenants wouldn’t relocate."

"Mr. Moss says he considers it an asset that guests in the $100 million hotel, which opens this summer, may peer down on a tenement roof where laundry is being hung out to dry.

“That’s the kind of thing people want to see,” he said. "

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