Saturday, November 15, 2008

Feast of Mother Mary at the Gates of Dawn

We invite you to join us.

Dear all,

November is particularly symbolic to the Lithuanian faithful, in that it is the month of Our Lady of Vilnius veneration in Vilnius.

Just want to remind you that we are having a special gathering in front of St. Patrick's tomorrow at 10:30 am. Later, as usual at 12:45 pm, we will meet at Our Lady of Vilnius for a special prayer and sharing of refreshments.

This year's theme is "Mother Mary - Merciful Mother of God". General prayer intention “To be brave witnesses of faith in the contemporary world” has been intended for the indulgenced octave of Merciful Mother Mary at the Gates of Dawn in Vilnius. The indulgenced octave of the Protection of Merciful Mother of God at the Gates of Dawn is the most famous traditional celebration in Vilnius Archdiocese. The octave is centered around the feast of Merciful Mother of God on November 16, the tradition goes back to the XVIII century.

As you may know a ruling of the civil court of the city of New York regarding ownership of Our Lady of Vilnius property has not been made. Recently new appeal to Vatican was submitted by the committee of OLV. Pray with us if you can't come.

Yours truly,

The Faithful of Our Lady of Vilnius, Ausros Vartu Parapija

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