Monday, December 08, 2008

This Tuesday Only: Vilnius on Fulton Street (Tallin, too)

Every road in my life leads to Our Lady of Vilnius, or at least passes through.

This Tuesday evening, "Tuesday Evening Hour, Inc." will present a slide show lecture by Engineer/Naturist/World Traveler and Photographer, Vlassios Pyrpyris.

Topic: ESTONIA & LITHUANIA - Tallin & Vilnius
Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Time: 6:30 PM
Place: St. Margaret's House, 49 Fulton Street, New York, NY 10038
Suggested Donation: $2.00

What are the OLV connections to this event other than the obvious? I was alerted to this event by OLV parishioner, Ellen Halloran. I was subsequently invited to it by friend and former St. Stanislaus Kostka chorister, John W. John, an avid and fine photographer whose feet have touched the hallowed ground of the OLV basement, knows Mr. Pyrpyris through the Sierra Club photography group.

In addition, Marjorie Grimm, the Director of the series, was once one of the iron filings drawn to Our Lady of Vilnius in the 1980's. Though not Lithuanian she made the trip from Brooklyn to Broome Street because she liked the community.

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