Vladas Borkovskis and the New York Cats ...
play jazz for you at an evening dedicated to the anniversary of regaining Lithuania's independence AND to saving Lithuanian heritage in New York - Our Lady of Vilnius church.
Vladas Borkovkis- bass
Bill Vare- vibrophone, keys
Jay Rodrigues- sax, flute
Fabio Morgera- trumpet
Gintas J- drums
Where: Annunciation Church, lower hall (the building across the street from the church) , 70 Havemeyer Str., Brooklyn, NY 11211
When: Friday, March 13, 2009 , 7:30pm
Directions: Take the L subway train to Lorimer Street in Brooklyn. Walk east on Metropolitan Avenue, make a right on 5th street, pass the church on your right and look across the street for # 70 Havemeyer .
Info: Danius Glinskis, Judita sedaitis - dglinskis@bcausa.com
Mindaugas Blaudziunas - mindaugasb@msn.com
Read all about it in Lithuanian!
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