Sunday, September 07, 2014

Something cooking in Edvinas Minkstimas' Ethnic Kitchen

Edvinas Minkstimas and the Eucharist made beautiful music together at Our Lady of Vilnius, Minkstimas dressed casually and seated at the yellowed ivories of our basement hall piano.  He completed his doctoral studies at Juilliard and continues to grow as an artist.

His most recent e-blast informs us that he scored and performed the music for  a documentary called Ethnic Kitchen produced and directed by Aiste Ptakauske.  Info pasted below:

Dear Friends,

I am super-excited to announce the upcoming premiere of the documentary Ethnic Kitchen by producer/director and my dear friend, Aiste Ptakauske, on October 2nd in Forum Cinemas in Vilnius, followed by a tour of presentations throughout Lithuania! I wrote and performed music for this film, which was a wonderful creative experience for me.

The film explores experiences and life paths of five women from all over the world, who found themselves living in Lithuania. Moving and funny, the film strikes a chord in each one of us.

Upcoming events and presentations in US and elsewhere will take place in a near future. Stay tuned for more news!

Aiste's letter is below. You can learn more about this project by visiting, and make reservations for the premiere by contacting Akvile at

Hope you will have as much fun watching it as we had making this film happen!


Brangieji mano bendrazygiai, bendraminciai ir bendraautoriai,
Noriu nuosirdziai jums padėkoti uz tai, kad buvote ir esate su manimi "Pasaulio virtuvėje". Jusu dėka, sis projektas man tapo neuzmirstama supratingumo, kurybingumo, kantrybės, meilės ir apskritai gyvenimo mokykla. Kvieciu jus visus pasidziaugti musu bendros virtuvės produktu s.m. spalio 2 d. 19 val. kino teatre "Forum Cinemas Vingis". Kadangi filmo premjera bus nemokama ir atvira visuomenei, vietu skaicius labai ribotas. Tad pirmiausia norime rezervuoti vietas jums ir jusu artimiesiems. Prasome iki rugsejo 15 d. pasisakyti, kiek vietu norėtumėte filmo premjeroje. Savo rezervacijas siuskite musu nuostabiajai prodiuserės asistentei Akvilei adresu Gavusi jusu laiska, Akvilė atsius jums oficialius pakvietimus, patikslins visas su filmo premjera susijusias detales ir atsakys į visus jusu klausimus.
Iskart po premjeros Vilniuje "Pasaulio virtuvė" isvyks i tura po penkiolika Lietuvos miestu. Jeigu turite draugu, pazistamu ar giminiu, kurie norėtu filma pamatyti savo mieste, sekite musu naujienas tinklalapyje arba "Facebook" tinkle ir registruokite savo pazįstamus į premjeras visuose Lietuvos miestuose! Kiekviename mieste filmą bus galima pamatyti tik po viena karta!

Iki pasimatymo "Pasaulio virtuvėje"!"

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