Wednesday, March 05, 2025

In Memory of Our Lady of Vilnius Stalwart and Personal Hero, Saulius Janusas (1935-2025)

I learned today that Saulius Janusas passed away on February 26 after praying for him through a long and challenging illness.  

Saul and his wife, Grazina, were among the first people to extend their hands in friendship when I resumed attending the church of my father and his family.  Saul possessed a prodigious intellect that he applied, but never flaunted.  Our priest once said that Saul was the only person he met that he would describe as a genius. He had a keen sense of the absurd that was frequently expressed in his drily hilarious observations.  He was an important member of the Save Our Lady of Vilnius campaign and contributed greatly with intelligence, strategy and translation.  Most important of all, Saul was a truly decent man and great companion to everyone in our community.

Here is a video of the candle light vigil held the evening that Cardinal Egan had the church locked without warning.  Grazina and Saulius appear at 5:07 minutes, where this excerpt begins.

See information about viewing and funeral Mass as well as Saul's lovingly written obituary HERE.

My deepest condolences to Grazina and to Saul's immediate and extended family.

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