Saturday, October 04, 2014

Increased Offertory Campaign Week 3 "Blurb" from

"Week 3

 As a result of the “Sharing God’s Gifts” program, the parish has received many commitments from faithful parishioners to increase their weekly contributions.  Overwhelmingly most of our congregation has given us good feedback. As usual, there were those who were slightly critical of the parish request.  For most, after more was explained to them about the needs of our parish, they were quite satisfied with the clarifications.  One way to contribute is to use the automated pay method-the PARISHPAY Program.  Once you sign up for this program, ParishPay will collect monthly contributions from your checking, savings or credit card account and then send it to the parish. There is no cost to you to participate in the program.  You may log on to or you may call 1-866-727-4741 ext. 1. Let us pray that our Stewardship of our parish is successful."

This is an excerpt from a document called "Increased Offertory Campaign Blurbs" that I found by Googling "Increased Offertory".  

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