Sunday, May 24, 2015

Holy Spirit in Action: Memorial Day Celebrated in Hastings-on-Hudson on Pentecost

After the 12 everyone sped off to don uniforms, add finishing touches to floats and get into formation for the annual Memorial Day Parade.  Our pastor, also the VFW chaplain,  offered the invocation and the benediction.  Our friends and neighbors dressed in other clothes passed in review transformed as members of the Volunteer Fire Department, the Southside Club, the VFW, the American Legion and the Mother's Club.  Neighborhood kids became Poppy Girls, Boy and Girl Scouts, Little Leaguers and majorettes.  Policemen became pipers and part-time musicians of all trades put on their coats of many colors to provide the beat and melody for this march of local humanity in all of its goofy beauty.

It was encouraging to see the indomitable power of the Holy Spirit on the streets of Hastings-on-Hudson on Pentecost.

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