Monday, January 13, 2025

Singing Out the Christmas Season at St. Mary's

I am always sad to see Christmastide end.  As a child I bawled when the tree was dismembered for efficient disposal.  I guess that I am still that kid, because I did not take photos of the side altar where the creche was absent and the poinsettias were corraled to await adoption. 

This Sunday's Mass celebrated the Lord's baptism.  Salt was mixed with the holy water and we received a liberally sprinkled blessing from Father McCarthy, who had to cover a lot of territory in a church of this size.

Liturgical music is important to me, so my heart leapt with recognition when I recognized "Gdy sie Chrystus rodzi" as the organ prelude.  This is a Polish carol that I had sung for years at St. Stanislaus Kostka, but have not heard since.  Kevin played and sang us out with "Joy to World," an appropriate way to go forth.

You can watch the archived livestream on Facebook

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