Saturday, March 03, 2007

A Clergyman Shares His Memories of Our Lady of Vilnius

Shared with Liuda and the Friends of Lithuania by Father Daniel Yenkevich:


I feel so bad about all this. I had celebrated Mass in that church many times. The attendance on Sundays was good, but the people not only came together for Mass, but they would bring food with them and generally stayed in the hall after Mass and ate and shared their food with each other until about 3:30 or 4:00 in the afternoon, because people came from Brooklyn and Yonkers, New Jersey and even Long Island. This parish was not about only going to Mass and going straight home. There was always a great spirit there which one did not find in other parishes.

They had many cultural affairs as well, dinners, poetry reading discussion on many topics given by speakers. Fr Sawicki was always good in fostering community affairs. All of this is now gone.

We must pray to our Lady of Vilnius for help.

Still more reason never to turn our back nor our hope away from Our Lady of Vilnius!

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