Friday, October 21, 2016

Trump breaks profane, but not sordid, bread with Cardinal Timothy Dolan at Al E. Smith Dinner last night

Last night Donald Trump sat next to Cardinal Timothy Dolan at the annual Alfred E. Smith Dinner, a fund raiser for Catholic Charities.  As a former Our Lady of Vilnius parishioner I ask myself whether Trump might enrich the archdiocese's coffers by means other than this appearance.

Below I present a Lithuanian news piece that articulates the 2006 rumor that the closure of Our Lady of Vilnius parish was precipitated by Trump's overture to buy the property. Word in Lithuania was that the Archdiocese of New York, under the leadership of Edward Cardinal Egan, was preparing to sell Our Lady of Vilnius Church and rectory to Donald Trump in order to pay out settlements to victims of sexual abuse by priests.  The article below, pushed through Google Translate as well as posted in the original Lithuanian, is typical of items in the Lithuanian press ever since word of Cardinal Egan's wish to close our church was revealed on July 31, 2006.

The full version of the rumor went on to say that Trump wanted to acquire the whole block, build, and link the complex to his condotel on Spring Street with a pedestrian bridge over Varick.

The archdiocese's recent pastoral planning initiative, "Making All Things New," resulted in church closures that have already yielded property sales.  Could Trump attempt to engage in some dealmaking with Egan's successor as he chows down in the name of charity?  Is history repeating?  

The "Making All Things New" paradigm appears to set great store by closure, no pun intended.  In an effort to help parishioners achieve closure, perhaps of their mouths, church corporation mergers are accompanied by final Masses. Newly incorporated parishes are celebrated with first Masses.  While I don't value the construct "closure," learning the truth about the loss of Our Lady of Vilnius would go a long way toward healing the wounds of many of us feel.

Last Lithuanian church in New York may repurchase billionaire D.Trumpas
2006. 27 September. 07:55

US Catholic Church in any way neišbrendanti of pedophile priests scandal, one after the other sacrifices of ethnic minorities in the house of worship. The stranger sins have to pay and the American Lithuanians. Last year, for 7 million. dollars instinct was to cut selling St. Peter's Cathedral in Boston. Now will be closed the last Lithuanian houses of worship in New York, writes "Lithuanian morning".

Our Lady of Manhattan was built in 1904 Lithuanian emigrant funds. Later, like many others, this shrine has passed the Vatican charge. Believers fear that soon the church will be wiped from the face of the earth, and instead they arise supermarket or any other building. Land prices in New York have always been high, but now they are growing even faster. Lithuanian church stands a very valuable property, which will be happy to purchase any real estate tycoon. One of them - the famous Donald Trump, whose show "pupil" is displayed and Lithuania. Many skyscrapers and shopping centers in New York managing the billionaire near Our Lady of the church intends to build a huge complex of hotels and apartments, writes "Lithuanian morning".

D.Trumpas coming. People keep talking about it - one of the richest people in the world said the priest Eugine'as Sawicki. - Now one thing is clear - no official knowledge of the fate of the church at the moment. There are no known date of closure, but now I can say - the first snow from getting it. " New York Archdiocese spokesman Joseph Zwilling said he had no knowledge that the intention is to sell the Gates of Dawn Church, but acknowledged that this building is financially very attractive location. Church's troubles started from the roof. Three years ago he Prakiuro. The pastor reported Archdiocese, Mass was moved to the basement and the hall have a scaffold on which you worked repairers. "However, the parishioners surprise, all the works soon stopped. People impatient to pray as soon as possible to return to a normal place, turned to the Archdiocese, but the response so far not received, "- said the pastor E.Sawickis. On 31 minutes the priest called Edwaras Cardinal Egan and reported that Our Lady of the church decided to close because of the mass arc little people., Writes, "Lithuanian morning". "I tried to explain that it is - an ethnic minority church, so you can not expect the people in the group. This church is preserved, there is no loss. In addition, many people do not want to listen to the Mass, to prepare a funeral or a christening in the basement, "- said the pastor, whose arguments were not heard.

Paskutinę lietuvišką bažnyčią Niujorke gali perpirkti milijardierius D.Trumpas

JAV katalikų bažnyčia, niekaip neišbrendanti iš kunigų pedofilijos skandalo, vienus po kitų aukoja tautinių mažumų maldos namus. Už svetimas nuodėmes tenka mokėti ir Amerikos lietuviams. Pernai už 7 mln. dolerių buvo užsimota parduoti Šv.Petro katedrą Bostone. Dabar ketinama uždaryti paskutinius lietuviškus maldos namus Niujorke, rašo „Lietuvos rytas“.

Aušros Vartų bažnyčia Manhetene buvo pastatyta 1904 metais lietuvių išeivių lėšomis. Vėliau, kaip ir daugelis kitų, ši šventovė perėjo Vatikano žinion. Tikintieji baiminasi, kad netrukus ši bažnyčia bus nušluota nuo žemės paviršiaus, o vietoj jos iškils prekybos centras arba koks kitas statinys. Žemės kainos Niujorke visada buvo didelės, tačiau dabar jos auga dar sparčiau. Lietuvių bažnyčia stovi labai vertingame sklype, kurį mielai įsigytų kuris nors nekilnojamojo turto magnatas. Vienas tokių – garsusis Donaldas Trumpas, kurio laida „Mokinys“ rodoma ir Lietuvoje. Daugybę dangoraižių bei prekybos centrų Niujorke valdantis milijardierius netoli Aušros Vartų bažnyčios ketina statyti didžiulį butų ir viešbučių kompleksą, rašo „Lietuvos rytas“.

D.Trumpas ateina. Žmonės nuolat apie tai šneka, – apie vieną turtingiausių pasaulio žmonių kalbėjo kunigas Eugine'as Sawickis. – Dabar aišku viena – jokių oficialių žinių apie bažnyčios likimą neturime. Kol kas nėra žinoma ir uždarymo data, bet jau dabar galiu pasakyti – pirmojo sniego ji nesulauks“. Niujorko arkivyskupijos atstovas Josephas Zwillingas tvirtino neturįs žinių, kad ketinama parduoti Aušros Vartų bažnyčią, bet pripažino, kad šis pastatas yra finansiškai labai patrauklioje vietoje. Bažnyčios bėdos prasidėjo nuo stogo. Prieš trejus metus jis prakiuro. Apie tai klebonas pranešė arkivyskupijai, mišios buvo perkeltos į rūsį, o salėje iškilo pastoliai, ant kurių kurį laiką dirbo remontininkai. „Tačiau, parapijiečių nuostabai, visi darbai netrukus sustojo. Žmonėms nekantraujant kuo greičiau sugrįžti melstis į įprastą vietą, kreipėmės į arkivyskupiją, tačiau atsakymo iki šiol nesulaukėme“, – pasakojo klebonas E.Sawickis. Liepos 31-ąją kunigą pasikvietęs kardinolas Edwaras Eganas ir pranešė, kad Aušros Vartų bažnyčią nuspręsta uždaryti, nes mišias lanko mažai žmonių., rašo „Lietuvos rytas“. „Mėginau paaiškinti, kad tai – etninės mažumos bažnyčia, todėl negalima tikėtis gausaus žmonių būrio. Ši bažnyčia išsilaiko, nėra nuostolinga. Be to, daugybė žmonių nenori eiti klausyti mišių, rengti laidotuvių arba krikštynų rūsyje“, – pasakojo klebonas, kurio argumentai nebuvo išgirsti.

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